New Professors Appointed by the President of the Czech Republic
16. December 2023On Tuesday, 12 December 2023, Petr Pavel, President of the Czech Republic, personally handed over appointment decrees to 72 university professors in the Carolinum. Assoc. Prof. Ing. et Ing. Ivo Kuřitka, Ph.D. et Ph.D., from the Centre of Polymer Systems and the Faculty of Technology was among the newly appointed Professors.
Prof. Ivo Kuřitka is an academic and the Head of the research team “Nanomaterials and Advanced Technologies” in the Centre of Polymer Systems of Tomas Bata University in Zlín. At the same time, he is a teacher at the TBU Faculty of Technology. He focuses on modification and processing of polymers, on synthesis of nanomaterials, preparation of nanocomposites and on the characterization of their end-use properties. In this field, he has published more than 150 research articles in scientific journals with an impact factor. He was the principal investigator/co-investigator in about 30 projects of applied and basic research, he is the co-author of five patents and of many utility models and functional samples. His most important collaboration with business and industry comprises research projects in the field of modern plastics for the Moravian-Silesian Automotive Cluster. In the professorial appointment procedure held at the meeting of the TBU Scientific Board, he defended his summary of lectures entitled “Hierarchically Structured Nanocomposites: From a Detail to the Whole.” In the future, he wants to continue working on low-emission technologies and materials using carbon dioxide.