Tomas Bata University in Zlín


Director’s Office – Administration

Specialization and Long-Term Orientation

The activities of the University Institute are focused on science, applied research and related activities, in particular on:

  • Implementation of applied research and development
  • Creating conditions for interconnecting basic and applied research with industry
  • Co-operation with municipalities, regions, national and international organizations and institutions on preparation and implementation of R&D, innovation and development projects
  • Provision of specialized services related to project preparation, management, evaluation and monitoring of project results
  • Support to R&D, creative and innovation activities both inside and outside the University


Activities Carried Out and Supported by UNI

In compliance with Article 3 of the TBU Statute, UNI carries out scientific, research, development, artistic and other creative activities, in particular:

  • Creates conditions for efficient and effective cooperation between TBU in Zlín, the business sphere and municipal and regional authorities in the field of research, development and innovations,
  • Supports R&D and innovation activities of TBU staff,
  • Provides interconnection between basic and applied research and industry, ensures technology transfer to the business sphere,
  • Creates conditions for provision of intellectual property protection related to results of R&D activities,
  • Creates conditions for the development of small and medium-sized innovation companies focusing on the implementation of new technologies, competitive products and services,
  • Carries out supplementary activities, using the available potential of UNI in the field of project, R&D and creative activities organized by UNI in compliance with the law and with the TBU Statute,
  • Carries out, supports and organizes other activities in compliance with Article 3 Paragraph 5 of the TBU Statute, and that within its competence and according to its possibilities.

Faculties and departments
