12th National Transfer Conference
17. February 2025The 12th annual National Transfer Conference will be hosted by VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava. The prestigious event, organized under the auspices of the Transfera.cz association, will take place on March 19 and 20. Those interested in sharing knowledge, experience and current trends in the field of technology transfer in the Czech Republic can register from February 3 on the website of the 12th National Transfer Conference. The REFRESH project is a partner of the conference.
“We are very pleased to welcome the conference just at VŠB-TUO this year. Technology transfer is an area that is extremely important for us, therefore it is the focus of many of our activities and projects. Together with the Moravian-Silesian Innovation Center, we have also come up with the SMARAGD – SMARrt And Green District strategy, which is based on the transformation of innovation ecosystems, the connection of the academic, corporate as well as public sectors and the transfer of research results into practice,” explained Igor Ivan, Vice-Rector for Strategy and Cooperation.
The main theme of this year’s conference is Technology Transfer as part of the innovation ecosystem. The program will focus on the key role that technology transfer plays in connecting academia, business, the public sector and investors. Participants will discuss how to effectively integrate the results of science and research into practice, support the emergence of innovations and create a robust innovation ecosystem that will contribute to the competitiveness of the Czech economy on a global level.
The conference website was launched recently and interested parties can find basic information about the event and register from February 3. Information about the program will be updated continuously.
Source: University of Mining – Technical University of Ostrava