21. April 2021This year, the seventh edition of the MEMPROPO 2021 workshop will be held in the new building of the Centre of Polymer Systems at TBU in Zlín.
The beginnings of this workshop fall within the period of the KUSmem project, which was implemented with funding provided by the Comprehensive Sustainable Systems programme at the Ministry of Agriculture. In the first four editions of the workshop held between 2015 and 2018, mostly the results of the KUSmem project were presented. The said project focused largely on the use of membrane technologies in the food industry. The Czech Membrane Platform together with the Czech Technology Platform for Foodstuffs (a component part of the Czech Food Chamber) were the guarantors of the promotion of project results produced during the implementation of the KUSmem project.
This year’s edition of the MEMPROPO 2021 will be held in the new building of the Centre of Polymer Systems at TBU in Zlín. The main topic will be the situation with water use in the food industry and, in general, the use of modern technologies for wastewater treatment.
The workshop will take place on 14 October 2021; the speakers include experts from the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague and from the BUT Brno. The event has been organized in cooperation between the Czech Membrane Platform, Czech Technology Platform for Foodstuffs (a component part of the Czech Food Chamber), University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, and the Centre of Polymer Systems at TBU in Zlín. Workshop attendees shall receive, among other things, the workshop proceedings. The event will be held free of charge for workshop attendees, those interested may use the registration form to register in the event.
- Prof. Ing. Vladimír Sedlařík, PhD., TBU in Zlín – Presentation of TBU in Zlín
- Ing. Jan Drbohlav, CSc. – Processing of whey for food and non-food purposes using membrane processes
- Ing. Jiří Ečer, MemBrain s.r.o. – Processing of salt concentrate after demineralization of whey using electrodialysis
- Ing. Antonín Bervic and Ing. Marek Šír, Ph.D., University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague – Use of membrane distillation in industry
- Ing. Vladimír Pour, CSc., University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague – Use of membrane separations in the processing of vegetable and fruit juices
- Ing. Dušan Kimmer, CSc., TBU in Zlín – CPS – Nanofiber structures for microfiltration membranes